

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011

Nelly - Just A Dream

2 comentarii:

  1. Ma gandeam la ea
    Ma gandeam la mine
    Ma gandeam la noi
    Ce se va intampla cu noi?
    Imi deschid ochii
    Era doar un vis
    Asa ca am calatorit inapoi
    In josul drumului.
    Oare ea se va intoarce?
    Nimeni nu stie.
    Am realizat
    Ca era doar un vis

    Am fost in varf si imi placea
    Acum sunt la subsol
    Reflectorul numarul unu si acum ea si'a gasit un inlocuitor
    Transpir acum nu mai suport
    Stiind ca cineva o are pe iubita mea
    Si acum ca nu esti in prejur
    Iubit'o nu pot sa ma gandesc.
    Inca trebuia sa am acel inel
    Pentru ca inca o pot simti in aer
    Vad fata ei draguta alergand
    Degetul meu prin parul ei.
    Iubita mea,Viata mea,Casnicia mea,Sotia mea.
    Ea m'a lasat neprotejat
    Pentru ca stiu ca nu este bine.

    Ma gandeam la ea
    Ma gandeam la mine
    Ma gandeam la noi
    Ce se va intampla cu noi?
    Imi deschid ochii
    Era doar un vis
    Asa ca am calatorit inapoi
    In josul drumului.
    Oare ea se va intoarce?
    Nimeni nu stie.
    Am realizat
    Ca era doar un vis

    Cand calaream,omule jur
    Ii fedeam fata la fiecare cotitura.
    Incerc sa imi iau speranta inapoi
    Nu o pot lasa sa arda.
    Si sper ca ea si'a notat
    Ea e singura dupa care am tanjit.
    Imi e dor de ea cand voi invata
    Sa nu imi dau toata dragostea ei
    Acum cred k asta imi e rasplata.
    Acum sunt in club gandindu'ma
    Totul despre iubita mea.
    Ea a fost asa de usor de iubit
    Dar stai,cred ca acea dragoste
    Nu a fost deajuns.
    Retraiesc asta in fiecare zi
    Cand sunt singur.
    Acum imi e dor,imi doresc
    Ca ea sa raspunda la telefon.
    Dar ea a facut deja o decizie
    Si ea deja a trecut mai departe
    Pentru ca am gresit.

    Ma gandeam la ea
    Ma gandeam la mine
    Ma gandeam la noi
    Ce se va intampla cu noi?
    Imi deschid ochii
    Era doar un vis
    Asa ca am calatorit inapoi
    In josul drumului.
    Oare ea se va intoarce?
    Nimeni nu stie.
    Am realizat
    Ca era doar un vis

    Daca ai pierdut vreo data pe cineva
    Ridica mainile.
    Si acum ei sunt plecat si iti doresti
    Sa le dai totul.

    Daca ai pierdut vreo data pe cineva
    Ridica mainile.
    Si acum ei sunt plecat si iti doresti
    Sa le dai totul.

    Ma gandeam la ea
    Ma gandeam la mine
    Ma gandeam la noi
    Ce se va intampla cu noi?
    Imi deschid ochii
    Era doar un vis
    Asa ca am calatorit inapoi
    In josul drumului.
    Oare ea se va intoarce?
    Nimeni nu stie.
    Am realizat
    Ca era doar un vïs

  2. I was thinkin about her,
    thinkin about me.
    Thinkin about us,
    what we gonna be ?
    Open my eyes, yeah:
    it was only just a dream.
    So I travel back,
    down that road.
    Who she come back?
    No one knows.
    I realize, yeah,
    it was only just a dream.

    It was at the top and I was like
    I'm at the basement.
    Number one spot and now she found her a replecement.
    I swear now I can't take it,
    knowing somebody's got my baby.
    And now you ain't aroun,
    baby I can't think.
    Shoulda put it down.
    Shoulda got that ring.
    Cuz I can still feel it in the air.
    See her pretty face run
    my finger through her hair.
    My lover, my life. My shorty, my wife.
    She left me. I'm tied.
    Cuz I knew that it just ain't right.

    I was thinkin about her,
    thinkin about me.
    Thinkin about us,
    what we gonna be ?
    Open my eyes, yeah:
    it was only just a dream.
    So I travel back,
    down that road.
    Who she come back?
    No one knows.
    I realize, yeah,
    it was only just a dream.

    When I be ridin man I swear
    I see her face at every turn.
    Tying to get my usher over,
    I can let it burn.
    And I just hope she notice
    she the only one I yearn for.
    Oh I miss her when will I learn?
    Didn't give her all my love,
    I guess now I got my payback.
    Now I'm in the club thinkin
    all about my baby.
    Hey, she was so easy to love.
    But wait, I guess that love
    wasn't enought.
    I'm goin through it every
    time that I'm alone.
    And now I'm missin, wishin
    she'd pick up the phone.
    But she made a decision
    that she wanted to move one.
    Cuz I was wrong.

    I was thinkin about her,
    thinkin about me.
    Thinkin about us,
    what we gonna be ?
    Open my eyes, yeah:
    it was only just a dream.
    So I travel back,
    down that road.
    Who she come back?
    No one knows.
    I realize, yeah,
    it was only just a dream.

    If you ever loved somebody
    put your hands up.
    And now they're gone and you wish
    you could give them everything.

    If you ever loved somebody
    put your hands up.
    And now they're gone and you wish
    you could give them everything.

    I was thinkin about her,
    thinkin about me.
    Thinkin about us,
    what we gonna be ?
    Open my eyes, yeah:
    it was only just a dream.
    So I travel back,
    down that road.
    Who she come back?
    No one knows.
    I realize, yeah,
    it was only just a dream.
