

joi, 17 noiembrie 2011

Bruno mars- Only when you're lonely

2 comentarii:

  1. Aici sunt, facand lucrurile pe care am spus ca nu le voi face
    Este ora 3 si ma grabesc catre usa, sa te vad
    Am asteptat toata ziua, dar acum vrei sa ma suni.
    De ce imi faci asta tot timpul?

    Dupa toate prin care am trecut...
    Dar acum stiu adevarul, in sfarsit...pot vedea.
    Tu ma vrei, doar cand te simti singura.
    Daca spun ca voi pleca, asta este singura data cand ma vrei
    Data viitoare cand vei avea nevoie de mine, nu o voi face.
    Inca un telefon tarziu, nu voi raspunde.
    Pentru ca acum, pot vedea in sfarsit ca ma vrei doar cand te simti singura.
    Doar cand te simti singura, singura
    Doar cand esti singura
    Doar cand te simti singura, singura
    Doar cand esti singura

    M-ai pacalit de la inceput, si eu ti-am dat repede inima mea.
    Pentru ca te-am iubit, te-am iubit
    Dar asta se intampla cand esti o fata singura
    Neavand pe cineva care sa te transforme,
    Acum sunt puternic, nu mai am nevoie de tine mult timp
    Asa ca, scoate-ti genunchii... cuvintele nu inseamna nimic.

    Dupa toate prin care am trecut...
    Dar acum stiu adevarul, in sfarsit...pot vedea.
    Tu ma vrei, doar cand te simti singura.
    Daca spui ca voi pleca, asta este singura data cand ma vrei
    Data viitoare cand vei avea nevoie de mine, nu o voi face.
    Inca un telefon tarziu, nu voi raspunde.
    Pentru ca acum, pot vedea in sfarsit ca ma vrei doar cand te simti singura.

    Nimic nu e in continua schimbare, nu poti lua decizia
    Tu te gandesti doar la tine, si niciodata la mine
    Cand esti cu prietenii, tu doar ma insirui de-a lungul tau
    Dar nu voi mai accepta asta mult timp,
    Deci este timpul sa merg mai departe.

    Dupa toate prin care am trecut...
    Dar acum stiu adevarul, in sfarsit...pot vedea.
    Tu ma vrei, doar cand te simti singura.
    Daca spui ca voi pleca, asta este singura data cand ma vrei
    Data viitoare cand vei avea nevoie de mine, nu o voi face.
    Inca un telefon tarziu, nu voi raspunde.
    Pentru ca acum, pot vedea in sfarsit ca ma vrei doar cand te simti singura.
    Doar cand te simti singura, singura
    Doar cand esti singura
    Doar cand te simti singura, singura
    Doar cand esti singura

    In sfarsit...pot vedea.
    Tu ma vrei, doar cand te simti singura.
    Daca spui ca voi pleca, asta este singura data cand ma vrei
    Data viitoare cand vei avea nevoie de mine, nu o voi face.
    Inca un telefon tarziu, nu voi raspunde.
    Pentru ca acum, pot vedea in sfarsit ca ma vrei doar cand te simti sïngura.

  2. Here I am again doing things I said that I wouldn't do
    It's 3am and I'm rushing out the door to see you
    Waiting all day,but now you wanna call me
    Why do you do this to me all the time?

    After all the things you put me through, still I come right back
    But now I know the truth, I can finally see
    You only want me when you're lonely
    If I say I'm gonna leave, that's the only time you want me
    Next time you need me there I won't make it
    Another late night call I won't take it
    Cos now i finally see, you only want me when you're lonely
    Only when you're lonely, lonely
    Only when you're lonely
    Only when you're lonely, lonely
    Only when you're lonely

    Had me fooled from the start and I quickly gave my heart
    Cuz I loved you, loved you
    But this is what happens when you're a lonely girl
    with no one to turn you
    Now I'm stronger, don't need you any longer
    So get off your knees, your words don't mean anything

    After all the things you put me through, still I come right back
    But now I know the truth, I can finally see
    You only want me when you're lonely
    If I say I'm gonna leave, that's the only time you want me
    Next time you need me there I won't make it
    Another late night call I won't take it
    Cuz now I finally see, you only want me when you're lonely

    Nothing's ever changing, decisions you can't make it
    You just think of yourself and never me at all
    If you're with your friends, you just string me along
    But I won't allow it anymore, so it's time for me to move on

    Cuz I can finally see, you only want me when you're lonely
    If I say I'm gonna leave, that's the only time you want me
    Next time you need me there I won't make it
    Another late night call I won't take it
    Cos now I finally see, you only want me when you're lonely
    Only when you're lonely, lonely
    Only when you're lonely
    Only when you're lonely, lonely
    Only when you're lonely

    I can finally see, you only want me when you're lonely
    If I say I'm gonna leave, that's the only time you want me
    Next time you need me there I won't make it
    Another late night call I won't take it
    Cuz now I fïnally see, you only want me when you're lonely
